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fermoir fantaisie

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fermoir argent 925
The workshop boasts 50 wooden braiding looms dating back 150 years.
Beaded mesh looms, soutache and princess looms, cleat looms... these machines reveal the technical genius of the men who made the industrial history of St Chamonix in the last century.
The constraint of having to assemble and dismantle the looms, linked to the need to experiment with new approaches, should be the high point in highlighting the exceptional modularity of these wood looms. I want to adapt my artistic and technical skills to the creation of “top-of-the-range” trimmings and the production of finished products in small, high value-added runs.

The workshop consists of 50 traditional looms, beaded stitch looms, princess looms, soutaches, return looms, cleat looms... as well as small specialized equipment.


© Sabine Feliciano

Tressage et passementerie - St Chamond © Sabine Feliciano

© Jean-Jacques Cornillon

© Jean-Jacques Cornillon

© Gilles Tranchant

© Gilles Tranchant

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Artisanat, Sara Revil
fait danser les fils
Publié le 22/09/2023 à 12h24
Fr3 Météo à la carte
Using old wooden looms, Sara weaves silk, cotton and linen threads into jewelry, braids and trimmings. Her art of braiding is on the verge of extinction, and is very difficult to practice in hot weather...

Tressage & Passementerie